The Sinking of the R.M.S. Leinster

People on board

Edward Alfred Dane

DANE, Edward Alfred

Edward Alfred Dane was born in 1879 in Dover, Kent to Edward Thomas Dane and Caroline Peirce. He was their only child as she died, aged twenty-two, in August 1882. In the 1881 census Edward Thomas gave his occupation as ‘Coal Merchant and General Dealer’ and their address as St James Street in Dover. In 1889 he remarried to Clara Wright but they subsequently divorced and he married Jenny Libby in 1902. He became a Licensed Victualler and Publican. Meanwhile in 1891 Edward Alfred was living with his publican uncle in the Red Lion, still in St James Street. In that same census his cousin William was a Marine Store Dealer, and that was the occupation that Edward Alfred gave in the 1901 census.

In 1898 he had married Maud Elizabeth Diggens and they had two children, Doris Maud in 1909 and Edward Thomas in 1910 and they also lived in St James Street. In the 1901 census Edward Dane gave his occupation as Marine Store Dealer but in 1903 he took over the Golden Cross Inn on St James Street and became a Publican. He enlisted in the West Kent Yeomanry in December 1915 and in 1917 his brother-in-law Henry Gillett took over the Inn.

It is not known where Edward Dane served but when he was discharged in March 1919 it was due to “surplus to military requirements – having suffered impairment since entry into the service”. In October 1918 he was with the 2/1st, a second-line regiment which had moved to Ireland in April 1918. He survived the sinking and it is not known if he was injured then or not.

Again it is not known what Edward’s occupation was when he left the army. They were living in Pretoria Terrace in March 1924 when Maud Dane née Diggens died at the age of forty-two. The following year Edward took over the Wheatsheaf Inn in Ladywell Place in Dover but gave it up at the end of 1927. He remarried in 1932 to Dorothy M Harrison and in the 1939 Register they were living in Bournemouth and he gave his occupation as ‘Retired Licensed Victualler’. Edward Alfred Dane died in Bournemouth in 1965.





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