The Sinking of the R.M.S. Leinster

People on board

Robert Cross

CROSS, Robert

Robert Cross was born in Fulham, London in 1899 to Robert Cross and Annie Rowlands, the second of their three children and the older son. Robert Snr, born in Surrey, was a ‘Milkman (Retail)’ and Annie, born in Caernarvon, Wales were living in ‘Flats, St Olaf’s Road, Fulham in 1901, with Robert and his older sister Annie. The youngest child, Roland, was born in 1902 and Robert Snr died in 1904, aged thirty-four.

In the 1911 census Annie, a Charwoman, and the three children were visitors in the household of Catherine Keen née Rowlands in Harlesden, London. Both Annie and Catherine were widows and both were from Trevor in Caernarvon, probably sisters or cousins. As Robert gave Harlesden as his address when he enlisted the family were possibly living with Catherine or living nearby.

Robert Cross enlisted in the Scottish Horse Yeomanry in London. His very limited records do not say when he enlisted or to which brigade he was assigned. Several brigades of the Scottish Horse were in Ireland in 1918 which would account for his presence there. Presumably returning home on leave, he travelled on RMS Leinster on the 10th of October. He did not survive the sinking but his body was recovered and he was buried in Grangegorman Military Cemetery in Dublin.




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