The Sinking of the R.M.S. Leinster


Data Protection Policy relating to the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Personal Data

The personal data held by us on our contact list has been supplied to
enable us to transmit information regarding the RMS Leinster and its sinking in
October 1918. The information we distribute consists of regular Bulletins
despatched by email.

This personal data held by us for these contacts consists of name, email
address, name of relative on board the RMS Leinster and relationship of
contact person to that relative (where applicable). Postal address has been
supplied in some cases but is not used.

The information supplied to us will not be passed to any 3rd party
(including those on our circulation list) without the prior consent of the
individual who supplied the information.

Contacts may request a copy of the personal data held by us relating to
them. They can request such data to be amended or removed in part, or

The data held can only be consulted by the members of the RMS
Team as identified on our website.

Queries relating to our GDPR policy should be addressed to our website






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