The Sinking of the R.M.S. Leinster

People on board

Alfred Lewis

LEWIS, Alfred

At present no personal details of Alfred Lewis are available, though there are some military records.
Alfred Lewis enlisted as a Private in Birmingham with the Hampshire Yeomanry (Carabiners), date unknown. His place of residence was given as Birmingham.

This Regiment had been formed in October 1914 as a Mounted Brigade and converted to a Cyclist Unit in July 1916. On the 16th of May the Regiment landed in Dublin and was posted to Maryborough, Tullamore and Birr, all in the Irish midlands.

Alfred Lewis was presumably travelling home on leave on RMS Leinster on the 10th of October. Private Thomas White of the same Regiment was also on his way home to Cheltenham. Neither survived the sinking nor were their bodies recovered. Both are remembered on the Hollybrook Memorial in Southampton.



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