The Sinking of the R.M.S. Leinster

People on board

Patrick Lynch

LYNCH, Patrick

Patrick Lynch was born in Cork city on the 13th March 1870 to Patrick Lynch and Catherine Lyons. Married in 1864, Patrick and Catherine had nine children, only three of whom were still living in 1911. The family were living in Fair Lane (now Wolfe Tone Street) when Patrick Jnr. was born, later moving to Bishop Street and then St Dominick’s Terrace in the old Crosses Green area of the city. Patrick was a Tailor and may have taken part in the Tailor’s strike in Cork in the summer of 1870, which involved rioting and barricades.

Tailoring was a family occupation as Patrick Jnr., and at least one of his brothers, was a tailor, and when he married in 1894 it was to the daughter of a tailor. Elizabeth, also Lynch, gave an address of 7 Liberty Street on her marriage certificate and that was where the couple had their first two children, before moving to St Dominick’s Terrace, close to his parents. In the 1901 census their eldest child, Patrick age six, was living with his grandparents and uncle Thomas while Patrick and Elizabeth lived with their two children and a brother-in-law (step-brother in the 1911 census) who was also a tailor.

In 1911 young Patrick, age sixteen was still with his grandparents and uncle, living in three rooms in a large house in Sheare’s Street, and was a ‘Tailor’s Apprentice’. The rest of the family had moved to a slightly larger, four-roomed house, in St Dominick’s Terrace, now with six children as well as a brother Michael and three step-brothers, six adults in all. A further child was born in 1912, bringing the number to eight in total.

Patrick LynchPatrick Lynch was a member and Secretary of the Cork branch of the Amalgamated Society of Tailors and Tailoresses, the same Union that James McCarron, who also lost his life on RMS Leinster, represented. Patrick Lynch was also Secretary of the Cork Trades Council and later became its President. He was described in his obituary thus: “while a moderate man, [he] was strong, and to his good judgement was due in no small measure the preservation of industrial peace, especially in later years.”

It is understood that Patrick Lynch and James McCarron were travelling together to Manchester, but both died in the sinking. Their bodies were recovered and that of Patrick Lynch was returned to Cork on the Saturday night mail train, arriving about three in the morning. Many of his colleagues were there to receive the body and it was brought to St Finbarr’s Church. The funeral took place on the Sunday afternoon to St Joseph’s cemetery and huge crowds, with many bands, followed the hearse and gathered at the graveside. Many dignitaries were present, and subsequently Trades Unions and Town Councils around the country passed motions of sympathy with his family.



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