The Sinking of the R.M.S. Leinster

People on board

Alexander Brash Robertson

ROBERTSON, Alexander Brash

Alexander Brash Robertson was born on the 27th of September 1878 in Prestopans, east of Edinburgh, to James Robertson and Euphemia Bisset. James’s occupation on the birth certificate was ‘Farm Servant’. It would appear that Alexander was their only child and Euphemia may have died shortly after the birth. Alexander’s presence has not been confirmed in any of the censuses from 1881 to 1901. However the National Library of Scotland’s WW1 Roll of Honour shows that he had attended Gillespie’s School in Edinburgh and then was a Student of Arts from 1899 to 1901, receiving an Honours M.A. in 1901.

In April 1904, giving his occupation as Certified Teacher, Alexander Robertson married Mary Paris Forrest, a Sewing Teacher. On the marriage certificate both her parents were given as ‘Deceased’ as was Euphemia Robertson, and James Robertson was given as a Gardener. A daughter, Margaret Forrest, was born in 1908 and a son, James Alexander, in 1914.

It is not known when Alexander Robertson enlisted in the Scottish Horse though the Roll of Honour also gives him as being with the 2/4th Royal Highlanders (Black Watch) in November 1916. There is then an undated connection with the Cameron Highlanders and then the Scottish Horse. His probate record states that when he died in October 1918 he was with the Signal Section of the 2/1st Scottish Horse. This regiment had moved to Ireland in April 1918 and was based in Limerick.

Presumably returning on leave to Scotland he travelled on RMS Leinster on the 10th of October. He did not survive the sinking nor was his body recovered. His name is recorded on the Hollybrook Memorial in Southampton as well as on the Scottish Roll of Honour.



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